Saturday, January 05, 2008


first post of the new year. ok, it's going to be a self-reflective post, read it if you feel exactly like what i'm going to talk about later. i'm sure it's not going to be at all fantastic, but i hope to get something across people on an issue. well ... i'm writing this while listening to the album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge ... lols!

i've been reading quite a number of blogs ever since, or even before, i started creating and writing on my blog. blogs that voice discontents, 'depressions', anger and frustrations. they can be with regards to many things - bugs, homework, assignments, lecturers, friends, and even the closest people to them, their family.

i myself had spoken bad about my sister (just a few posts before) and also my dad. well, it's true i can't stand their attitudes towards many things, and i've never hid my discontents at all infront of them, venting my frustrations on my book or bag or whatever was with me at that moment. and of course, on my blog as well =D.

after reading a few blogs recently, many of my friends had been pretty disgruntled by the fact that their parents were not what they think parents should be. things like parents being self-centred, screaming at the top of their lungs for no particular reason, and nagging at them.

well we've always complained that parents are not able to understand what we want, how we really feel. on the other hand, had any of us really thought of how are they feeling? the things they do, are there any reasons behind them? yes, parents keep thinking they're always right, but is there really no method for a child and his/her parents to calmly tell each other what they're unhappy of?

as we grow older, we get a little more opinionated. we start to find faults in them. but who dares to say he/she is perfect? come to think again, you're here complaining and not really doing anything to rectify the problem, don't you think you're just acting like the way your parents behave? feeling that you're right, and they're wrong.

it's only human to make mistakes, as we are not perfect. sometimes whatever they did can be wrong, and they don't accept criticism. by saying this, i'm saying that most of us are using the wrong approach to tell them they're wrong. we simply put up a fucked up face, slam the door and walk out of the room. actually, we can all voice opinions in a polite and correct manner, without resorting to verbal abuse. when we don't try, we never know.

people tend to always look at the bad points, and just an error will strike out your previous good records. it's like a dot on a paper - a clean piece of paper seems nice and white; a similar piece of paper with a black dot in the middle is deemed dirty. if only we can draw positives from negatives, look at each other good points and put ourselves in their shoes, perhaps mutual understanding can be achieved without much effort.

think about this - for the past 10, 20 years, who have been always there providing for you, supporting you and moulding you in the person you are now? have they not brought you into this world, think about how much you will be missing. yes, many said 'life sucks'. well, does it really suck that much? ever compare yourself to the people leading a much poorer life than you do? in actual fact, we're really fortunate to have caring parents by our side all the time, protecting us and supporting our decisions.

now you must be thinking, jeremy must be an fucking idiot. he doesn't quite understand how i feel, and trying to act as if he knows everything, giving advices that will never work and telling others what to do the way he-knows-how. to be frank, i really don't understand how you all might feel, and if you feel that i'm just a person loaded with crap, then that makes you yet another person who thinks highly of yourself. i'm no advisor or counsellor, i'm just some one writing in this blog to suggest to people what we can do to probably improve communication between parents and you. you can heed it, or ignore it, but you can't criticize, as you're not even sensible enough to care about how others feel. i keep discussions open, but don't abuse your rights and start criticizing every single word i've written.

guess i'll just end this here. do give it a serious thought, and try to come up with ways to tackle your problem. it's ok to complain, but the things you do after that must be constructive to correct the problem you're facing, and not continue to complain like the whole world owes you something in life.

that's all for the day =D.

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